Monday, 24 July 2017

Important book for ias and pcs

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mportant 📚 book for UPSC
📗the wonder that was India A L Bhasham
📕Indian art and culture Nitin singhania
📒history of mordan India Bipanchandra
📘India's struggle for independent Bipanchandra
📙geography of india Majid Husain
📒oxford school atlas Oxford
📕certificate physical and human geography Gon cheng leong
📗Indian polity for civil service exam m laxhmikanth
📙Indian economy Ramesh singh
📘economic servey
📒science and technology in India
📔Environment studies from crisis ti cure Rajagopalan
📗Environment for civil service khuller
📖contemparay eassy by Ramchandra guha
📔India after gandhi
📘history of mordan world Narman lowe
📔world history jain and mathure
📓social problems in India Ram ahuja
📙ias main general studies
📗government in India for cse
📘India shashi tharar foreign policy
📓India and the  world Surendra kumar
📖India national security
📙challenges to internal security
📗lexicon for ethics
📰india year book current affairs
📰maharama year book current affairs


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